Monday, December 31, 2012

Wordless Wednesday-- January 2nd

...and that's how my husband contributes to our financial goals. By bringing me receipts that look like that. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

House/Finance Update

Seriously, who doesn't like Will Smith?

Sharing our finance goals helps us (me) be more accountable. It also keeps us on track, motivated, and some most people are naturally curious! Plus, a lot of readers share their financial goals/struggles and we can help each other out.

If you'd like to see a full list of our financial goals and some background, click here

Back here I said I would update you on our house plans. I am using plans loosely because, well, there aren't any. Ha!

:: We are definitely putting buying a home on hold for another year. While it sucks that we are throwing insane amounts of money into rent each month (and not into an investment), we have lots more "wiggle room" living here.

:: Until our lease is up we are throwing ourselves (okay, it's mostly my husband) into finding a cheaper apartment that is further away from the metro area (more on that here). My husband will have to drive to work (and leave me at home like a hummingbird in a shoe box), but we could spend HALF as much per month as we're paying now.

:: The craziest part? The places that are cheaper are actually: safer, bigger, more quiet, and suburban. Mostly because you are no longer in the city. Basically, we could get a bigger apartment (awesome for this ADD lady) for half the price.

:: What's even better is that we will continue to save my salary (plus all my dog walking and blogging) AND the difference in rent.

:: We are hoping that by October/November 2014 we could at least evaluate things and talk to the bank come fall. If we're not ready, that is okay! We can always put it off another year, 6 months, 2 years..there is no rush.

Do you want to know what part of this excites me the most? *Hopefully* getting another bathroom!

Seriously, there is nothing more annoying than having people here (Ahem-- my dad..twice, my sister..twice, my in-laws, friends, etc) and having to wait on the bathroom. It will be so nice to have another one-- I don't care if it means I have to clean more toilets. Bring it on, sister.

*Just had to note that we are so blessed to have wonderful jobs that we not only love but look forward to everyday! There is truly nothing better. 

Of course we have days (mostly me) where I'd like to punch a small child (it's a good thing I work from home), but hey-- it happens. And when it happens I share my stories with my in-laws and they laugh. 

Friday, December 28, 2012

Five Question Friday-- December 28th

Yay for Friday! I hope everyone is having a great Friday-- whether working or playing! This week has been super weird with the holiday and our weird work schedules.

What are your plans this weekend?

I always say we will relax over the weekend but we always discover something that has to get done. Looks like this weekend we'll be looking at a new place to live! More updates on this later. I am going over to a friend's house tomorrow to help her organize, which is my favorite thing in the world. Besides that it should be quiet. :)

1. What are you doing for New Years? Do you have any resolutions? 

For NYE we are going to a friend's party and of course watch the ball drop. I felt I should bring something so I need to decide what I'm making/baking/buying. Yes, I have several resolutions (I call them goals for 2013) that I will be posting soon!

2. Did you really ship your presents just like in the picture you posted (first picture, found here)? 

No. LOL! There are lots of presents inside the Macy's & Bath and Body Works bags. The only thing that didn't have wrapped gifts inside was the red bag on the left. I know I suck.

3. How do I follow you on Instagram?

My username is elboese. I think you have to have an app on your smartphone, but it's free. When you download the app you just search my username in the search bar and tap follow. Pretty simple!

4. Do you really live in DC or are you in a different area? Isn't DC expensive?

LOL! Well, talk about nosey. I could make this a really long answer or really short-- I'm going with long. :)

No, we do not live in DC. Our address does not have "Washington DC" in it and our license plate is not from DC.
This meme made us laugh so hard!

We live in the metro DC area (whatever the heck that means. Well actually it means you can metro to DC easily). We can see beautiful downtown from our roof.

When we watch the news, it's the DC weather because we're that close. Make sense? :)

Yup, DC (what we refer to as "downtown") is pricey to live. We don't have a desire to live there (again, more on that later) because it's mostly young professionals, not families with crazy dogs.

5. Where did you get your stockings? (Middle of this post)

Hmmm I want to say Home Depot (Martha Stewart) and I ironed on the letters. They are a few years old, I think we're on year 3 of them. They definitely aren't perfect but I love them!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012 Recap

Merry Christmas! I'm still allowed to say that until the New Year, right?

Guess I should start from the very beginning..

About 2 weeks ago when my dad was here (more on his visit here), he helped me ship all our gifts out. Thankfully, we only had to ship gifts to 4 different locations-- my grandparents, my husband's parents, a friend in Philly, and my aunt. 

I thought I had it all under control and could do it by myself, but clearly I was wrong. There were so many post it notes and gift tags were being ripped off and I only had my wallet (not a purse) so I had to carry that under my arm. 

..Not a pleasant experience. Thankfully, Papi was there to be my wing man and he helped so much. 

Oh and for the record? Next year I will not be shipping gifts to me so I can hand wrap them. I'll just order them online and have them shipped. It's not ideal (I love wrapping), but it is what it is. 

Okay, rant over. 

A few days before Christmas we went to our grocery store and guess who was there? Carolers! It was so sweet and beautiful. It made my night. Yes, I was the only crazy lady sitting there soaking it all in and taking pictures

Love using our fake fire and having the house lit up. See Cindy perched up there?

Oh PS-- My husband thinks Cindy should get a brother elf! They make boys ones and he wants to name him Rob. Yeah, he won't be named Rob. Maybe Clark. 

My friend Elizabeth got me the DC ornament. I love it! You can't see the tiny straw but it's cute.

Would it really be Christmas if we didn't get out the hammer & nails? Story of my life. My poor husband had to hang this up with me shouting behind him "LOWER!", "LEFT!". He's a keeper!

It says Boese. Can you tell? My very talented aunt made it for me! I'm so in love with it! She also made us this one (below) from 1 Corinthians. 

More on the "B" here

And I got my boots! I'm so in love with them. They came just in time because we had rain/sleet/slush/snow/somethingorother yesterday and I wore them when I walked the dogs. Perfect! Definitely recommend them-- they're so comfortable! 

PS-- I think it's the shirt but I look as wide as a whale. I gained 4 pounds over Christmas and I can see where it went..

We had a view of the airport..awesome.

For Christmas dinner we went out to a steak place. It was fun to get dressed up and have someone serve us. (Especially after my sister being here + cooking for neighbors + cooking Thanksgiving). Judge me. It was fun. Plus, we walked there & back so we got lots of exercise! 

But we did stop at Coldstone on our way home which was so much fun (and super cold)! 

Now? We are back to work and in the swing of things with a crazy bizarre schedule. Be sure to stop by tomorrow for Five Question Friday. You can check out last week's here. xO

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wordless Wednesday-- December 26th

..Texting my daddy-O. I'm not excited for snow at all. ; )

Enjoy your Wednesday! xO

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Sending you love and big hugs from our family to yours! I hope your Christmas is just magical and you remember what really counts-- love, friends, family, and my!

We are so excited to spend the day together celebrating Jesus' birth! We plan on having our neighbor over for pancakes for breakfast, opening presents, a nice long walk, and church and dinner in the evening.

Can't wait to recap and of course share 10 million photos! xO

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sister Visit-- December 2012

The week before Christmas, my sister & her boyfriend visited.

It was much colder than her last visit (more on that back here), but we still had lots of fun. Plus, she made super fun memories with her boy.

My husband obviously had to work and I had a lot to get done for work but I was able to sneak off and get some good visiting with them.

I'm going to get in trouble but he is so handsome. I'm allowed to say that since we're married. He's cute! 

The bum thing about my loving to be behind the camera is that there are never pictures of me. One day I want my children to actually know what I looked like! Oh well. We're working on that. Maybe that can be another 2013 goal?

That would maybe look romantic if there wasn't a chain link fence and construction?

It was so beautiful out and the sun was just begging to be photographed. It was cool out but definitely not freezing. Just perfect out!

All the flags were at half staff for the Sandy Hook victims. It was a wonderful reminder to stop and say a little prayer for the victims and their families. 

I think we were watching protestors or a k9 unit. Something interesting!

By this point it was starting to get really windy and dark. We were planning to go to a Sports Bar for dinner so we made the long trek back to my husband's car. 

That helicopter (above by the flag) was flying around several times. It was big and made lots of noise. I wish my FIL was there because I'm sure he would have known what it was! 

Christine's boyfriend is awesome at photography..

I told you the sun was AMAZING

To see all 50 flags around the monument at half staff was kind of crazy. It really made all those victims really physical and much more real to me. When you only see stuff on the news, that's what happens. Does that make sense? It was much more real seeing 50 flags at half staff. There ya go. That makes sense. 

I cannot stand walking in the gravel through the mall. They really should throw some concrete down..just sayin'. :)

Not sure why this picture looks so odd? But of course had to give the chalkboard some love.

Sorry for the poor iPhone quality. 

My perfect little family. We are so excited to just be together this Christmas and enjoy every moment of it! 

PS-- I will never hunch over in a photo ever again. Ever. Promise. 


Stay tuned for more random DC photos, Christmas, and any other ramblings I find appropriate. xO!

We Need to Do Things

A few days ago my husband and I were walking at a cute little shopping area and came across this store called Sur La Table. (It's basically like a Crate & Barrel or Williams-Sonoma.)

We were alone and we weren't in a rush so we spent maybe a half hour in there just "oohing" and "ahhing" over every little thing. It was so much fun!

PS-- These were some of my favorites:

My husband loved these pepper mills.

Honestly, there was a ton of fun stuff that we were in love with. So anyways, right before we left, we came upon one of my favorite, favorite items..

Yup, a pasta machine. 

We actually already have one but it reminded me of my childhood.

My parents would make homemade pasta together while I sat in my pumpkin seat (Google it) and watched. Sometimes I would get to sneak a taste by my Papi. It was fun. They had fun.

Years later my dad and stepmom used to make pasta. I did not sit in a pumpkin seat but instead helped out and it was lots of fun. And yummy!

So my point in this whole rambling?

Everyone took the time to do things. Even though it was messy, even though it took hours, even though the machines are pricey, even though it takes longer to clean the machine then it does to enjoy the pasta, they took the time to do it together.

We don't do that.

Don't get me wrong, we do little things. We take long walks, we hold hands, we make cinnamon rolls...

But we need to take the time for things.

New Years Resolution? Maybe.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Five Question Friday-- December 21st

Merry Christmas! (Well, almost). I hope everyone is finished shopping so you can just sit back and enjoy the holiday come Tuesday. Thankfully, I am completely done shopping so anything I get between now and then will be stuff for next year. I just have to walk over to Fedex (It's just a block away!) and mail 2 packages that don't have to get to their destination at any particular time.

This weekend we will be checking out the Newseum with our neighbors so my husband is pretty pumped. Besides that I'll probably just be getting organized for Monday/Tuesday.

1. How did you meet your husband? How long did you date? Tell your story, please. 

This is BY FAR the most common question I get asked. I debated on answering it but I figured many years from now I may forget and want to look back on this. I doubt it, but enjoy:

There isn't really a story..Ha! We met when I was in 7th grade. He says he didn't like me when we first met but I think I did. We had some mutual friends so we would hang out or do whatever 7th graders did. We were friends until I went into 11th grade, but I dated other people because (again) he wasn't interested.

Anyway, we met up at Homecoming (when I was in 11th grade) and that's where it all started. It definitely wasn't love at first sight because we were friends. It was very odd for me at first. Hello, this boy you like is your friend. That is going to suck when you dump him.

He knew from the very beginning that I didn't want to get married. I didn't want to get married OR have babies. I'm not sure what changed but I guess I wound up married to this pretty awesome guy.

2. How are you celebrating Christmas? What do you usually do?

This is our first married Christmas and we're so excited! My husband has to work Christmas Eve so I'll just spend the day cleaning and cooking. You know, wife stuff. We are having some people over for dinner on Monday, then after they leave we are going to drive around and look for Christmas lights. Tuesday we'll go to church, open our presents, have cinnamon rolls for breakfast, talk to our parents/my NY family, then we're going to a steak house that night.

There is never a typical Christmas but we are very glad to not have to drive to 234123534 different places this year. In the past we've had to do that and it's not an easy thing to do. We are so excited to just be together and have a quiet day.

3. What is your weakness?

Oh I have too many weaknesses. Sugar cookies, people pleasing, not listening to my voicemail, any show that has the word "housewives" in it, Jake Gyllenhaal, homeless animals, my animals, and PDA (as in, I hate any and all PDA).

4. Do you have any New Years Resolutions for 2013?

I'm working on a post for this but I usually do "goals" not resolutions. I read a book every month in 2012 and while that was my goal, I'd like to try for a bit more in 2013. (Or maybe books that are a bit more thought provoking?)

Another big goal for us is taking more time for each other in 2013. For the past month or so we'll go to bed and realize we never really asked how the other one is doing! We need to start pausing life for a moment and checking in every once in a while.

And definitely cutting down on the technology during dinner, in our room, etc. We'll see how that one goes. :)

5. How do you stay so lean? Secrets? Do you eat? 

LOL! No, no secrets and yes, I love food. :-) I try to eat as healthy as possible but it's not always easy. I drag myself to run outside so I'll do about 20 miles a week. If I can't run I'll try to walk to the grocery store instead of drive, walk to the post office, dog park, etc. I'm constantly moving and rarely sit still.

BUT, I do indulge in foods that are special to me. The holidays are here and I will not deprive myself. We are going out to dinner on Christmas and I will get steak and dessert. That does mean, though, that on the 26th my fat butt will be outside walking to Target to get those 75% off sales. :)


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Life According to my Phone-- December 17th

My dad sent me this photo from NYC. Seriously-- only in New York! I was super jealous and he almost convinced me to hop on a plane and see him. 

To say I was freaking out when I saw those snowflakes for Wednesday would be an understatement. Don't worry this was 10 days ago and if it snowed you would know about it!

I wanted to stay up all night and watch for it but my husband and I both decided it's best to wake up and see it. Don't you agree?

Still keepin' my fingers crossed for some snow..sometime.

Why do we need so much toothpaste?

Ahem. I'm trying, honestly. PS-- Can you spot my Camelbak? Still loving it!

Think your dog's clingy? That's where Oreo sits when I shower. 

When we were at the mall last week we "ran into" a cute little chorus concert. So adorable. At first we didn't want to wait for it to start but as the crowds gathered, we decided to stay. 

Did I mention I think we looked like perverts? Yup. 

First we started out 1 floor above the concert but a lot of parents were there so we moved up a floor. Thank God, because I think we were getting looks. Then the kids started waving at us while laughing and smiling. Awe-some. 

My dad came (not this trip, another one) and we found a fun new place to eat. It's called Champs and it's basically a giant sports bar. We got the nachos (above) and they were so tasty. 

Plus our waitor didn't add up our bill correctly so our total was $19.. for three people.. with drinks & appetizer, DC! It was funny. 

Again, my dad is simply the best. xO


I have written words and formed sentences but I keep deleting it because nothing sounds right. Nothing will describe what those parents went through Friday morning around 9:30, nothing will accurately describe the incident, nothing.

Because nothing can be done to bring those babies back.

My heart aches for everyone.

The mommies, daddies, sisters and brothers, the teachers' families-- everyone.

My heart is also heavy for the first responders and all the officers. I pray that they can heal quickly but at their own pace because they have to be strong to continue doing their job correctly.

My Facebook page, Twitter, and the news have been flooded with political comments and opinions.

How about this?

For one day, just one, can we just mourn?

Then the next day we can talk politics and gun control 'til we're blue in the face.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Five Question Friday-- December 14th

Happy Friday and Happy Holidays! I truly cannot believe December is halfway over. Feels like our wedding was just a few weeks ago..Guess that means I'm getting old.

What are your plans for the weekend? I think after today we'll finally be done Christmas shopping. I'm over waiting until the last minute. Shipping Christmas gifts is not as fun as hand delivering, either. Oh well. One of my friends has been done Christmas shopping since before Black Friday... yeah, I'm jealous.

Oh but this weekend I think we're prepping to have my sister and her boyfriend come visit. She was here over Labor Day (see her visit here) but now she is bringing her boyfriend to see DC. I'll need to wrap their gifts, make sure my house looks somewhat clean, and dust until my arms fall off. And probably get some groceries. :)

1. What is your least favorite Christmas song?

Anything involving the Chipmunks. I'm not a total fan of "Do you hear what I hear" but I'll sit through the song if I have to.

2. What is one medical thing you avoid like the plague? 

Hmmm. I don't really avoid anything. Last year my husband and I did not get flu shots and never got sick. This year, we decided not to.

Strangers/family/friends have shared their opinions on not getting one..please keep your opinion to yourself!

3. Do you make stuff for your neighbors and pass it out on Christmas Eve?

Yes. I either make turtles, white trash, or cookies. Last year I did the ice cream cones dipped in white chocolate died green. Everything has always been a big hit! I think this year I'll be doing white trash because it is the bomb!

4. Did you ask for anything this Christmas?

A little bit. I don't tell people, but if they ask I try to have something ready. I have wanted these boots since last year, so I asked my dad for them. I think because we're finally in an area where it actually gets cold, I have an excuse to buy cute winter stuff. :)

5. What would your "dream Saturday" consist of?

Good question! Let's would definitely happen in the spring. Wake up somewhat late-- maybe 8:30. Walk a few miles with my husband to Chick Fil A for breakfast, come home and watch a movie in my cozies, and after the movie get dressed and go to the mall. After shopping, dinner somewhere casual and ice cream at Coldstone! I like food, can ya tell?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Life Lately

So much has been happening lately it's hard for me to catch my breath. All good things, of course. We only need good things this time of year, don't you think?

I told y'all that my husband came home and we are so happy to be together again after 3 months. (It was for work, he didn't leave me or anything). Figured that someone would email me asking that. No, he didn't leave me. LOL.

To say that dog is clingy is an understatement. 

36 minutes (not really) before my husband came home, I watched this movie (below). I won it from a giveaway and I was super excited. Not super excited about how sad it is. I am not really a crier but was definitely close. I definitely recommend this movie if you need a good cry.

My dad came for work and we (as always) had lots of fun. He was probably more excited to see my husband than to see me. No, not probably, he was

I should have done a whole post on what we did with my dad but we grocery shopped, went out to lots of fun places for dinner/lunch, and he helped me with projects around the house. Oh and he taught me how to iron. I hate ironing. 

Anytime we go somewhere this is how we walk. WE live in DC but my dad knows where to go, so hubby follows closely behind and I'm way back.. taking in the scenery and taking photos. 

And that jacket.. Oh my there is a story with the jacket! Everything has to have a story, right? Well, my husband has had the same jacket for a while, and it is one of those jackets for going in the snow and sledding, etc. Not a jacket you would wear on a fall day when it's 40 degrees. You get me?

I kept making jokes "Honey, we're not going skiing, are we?". I know, I'm a brat. It was funny. My dad found this jacket at Macy's and insisted on getting it for him. My dad is the bomb diggity and now no more jokes. Plus, shouldn't a guy have 2 coats-- 1 for skiing and 1 for regular days? Ya feel me?

We went to a sports bar for dinner 1 night and they stared at the TVs.. so boring-- I needed a girl there with me! Oh we ordered a HUGE plate of nachos which were absolutely delicious.  

He taught me how to iron (correctly) and I'm super grateful! Before I would just slap the iron around and pray the wrinkles would leave. Now I know what I'm doing. :-) Thanks, Papi! 

And on Sunday we took the dogs to PetMart to get their photo with Santa. They were surprisingly well behaved. Santa (AKA-- a doctor that works at PetsMart) was shocked at how much they loved him. For $10 you got the picture in the frame above. Not bad!

So for the most part that is all that's going on! I think later this week I'll be posting some interesting stuff so you'll have to stick around. xO