Saturday, September 22, 2012

Target Find & Our Mantel Is Coming Soon!

Because I've had horrible luck with the gallery wall in our bedroom (read more about that here), I decided to focus on something else that needs some work-- our mantel.

I started scheming at Pier 1, Target, & TJ Maxx, but wasn't having much luck because I didn't know how tall the items should be. I didn't want them to be so big that our house looked tiny (our house is already tiny) and I didn't want them to be too small where I just need more crap. Make sense?

So of course I headed to Etsy and found an adorable shop that has the stuff already on the mantel, so you can see how it looks. Now obviously not all mantels are the same size, but it kind of worked for me and I winged it. :)

I'll keep the rest of what I bought a secret but we'll call this the "before" photo. Pathetic, I know.

I really could have spruced it up for the photo, but I wanted it to be an honest, everyday photo. Why is that easel still there not holding my chalkboard, you ask? Well, I don't know why the easel is still sitting there, but the chalkboard has also moved.. 

Like I said above, I could have taken the time to actually hang it up, but I figured it was best to show you how it's been sitting for 2 days. :-) 

I love how it will look up on this wall. It will still be seen, but not the center of our living area. I also have big plans for that corner (where the Peace Lily is), but more on that later!

When walking to Target the other night I found these adorable little lanterns and 2 pumpkins for $5 total

I ended up with 2 lanterns, the white pumpkin, and the orange pumpkin. I'm sure you're curious-- I realized the lanterns were different when I got home from Target. I guess that's what I get for talking on the phone from the moment I walked in until I got home. Oh well, they have personality, right?

I think I'll end up adding these to my mantel, but if it's too much they'll hang out somewhere else (Maybe the dining room table). 

What do you think? Give me some ideas! xO

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